Trusted wheelchair seller

new light weight wheelchair 1556090151 8a9461d2 progressive

It was the day before polling day in 2019; my father was worried about how he would be able to walk downstairs to vote as he was very weak and barely able to walk short distances without feeling breathless. I suggested the purchase of a wheelchair for him, he was worried about the cost but when I did a quick google on the pricing and informed him that it would cost less than $200.00 he was ecstatic.

It was late afternoon by the time we decided to purchase the wheelchair, we needed the chair by that evening for him to use in the morning. Most of the companies I approached have a cut-off time of 5 pm for same-day deliveries and weren’t very helpful when I shared about my situation. My father had always been a strong individual with a fighting spirit he would refuse the idea of using the wheelchair for decades but due to the sudden deterioration of his heath, he knew that he would need the chair if he wanted to head out.

Where to get a foldable wheelchair in Singapore- My last resort was to look for a second-hand wheelchair, to my relief, there were brand new ones available on Carousell. I contacted a seller by the name of keeper_of_darkness05. Although his username may sound a bit on the scary side he was very helpful, kind and meticulous. He asked about the weight of the users and after I explained that I needed the chair in the hurry he arranged for courier delivery for me and even gave my father a free walking stick. My father and I paid for the chair and the delivery charges and by late evening relieved the chair. The seller even sent me videos on how to open and close the chair and cautioned me not to fold down the top as I might not be able to place it back securely for my father. I couldn’t thank the seller enough for going out of his way to help us out. He was out but somehow managed to get a relative to help with the arrangements.

The wheelchair was lightweight and easy to fold and keep away, it was also sturdy and a breeze to push around. The most important part to remember is to release the breaks before you move so the person does not get thrown off the chair and to lock the breaks when they embark so the chair does slide away. Make sure their feet are firmly on the footrest before you move.

Light weight fordable wheel chair
foldable wheelchair

My father used the chair for a handful of events, a check-up with a physiotherapist, a trip to the barber and to the park and under the block to watch the rain with my sister and me before he passed on in August last year. Kindness is never wasted, every bit counts and you never know how much it meant to the person who benefits from that one act of kindness.

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